Tag Archives: Collection

How to Spot a Fake Coin?

If you take a tour of a museum or art center, you are bound to find a rare coin or two. Goldmasters coins & precious metals are of great significance and even greater monetary value. They hold a special place in history, denoting events and also giving meaning to certain actions of our forefathers.

Lately, there has been a concern raised by coin collectors, museums, and other numismatics – the issue of fake coins. For those of you in the industry, it is about time you armed yourself adequately. This article will give you some knowledge of how to bear these counterfeiters.


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When Is it Time to Sell Your Collection?

The type of collection may vary; from antique militia figurines to stamps to comic books to baseball cards. You have not only invested time in them but also money. And as you look at them in pride (and like a proud parent), it pains you that you have to sell your prized collections. You might be struggling with some bills or probably an impromptu financial need arose. After making several inquiries and giving it much thought, you have come to this conclusion. But is it the right time? After all, no one wants to have remorse and a saddened heart. Well, continue reading and let us advise you on the matter.

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